Now the two-piece is everywhere, including, of course, Hollywood. Rare is the film that doesn't feature at least one bikini-clad starlet romping in the surf. Perhaps the most famous scene in which the bikini plays a starring role came in the 1982 comedy classic "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." Actress Phoebe Cates wears a red two-piece while lounging at her friend's pool after school.
Phoebe and Kevin Kline were married in 1989 and have had two children together.
Their son, Owen Kline, is an actor and recently appeared in the film “The Squid and the Whale“.

Today, Cates focuses her energy on her business. In 2006, the actress opened a boutique in New York called Blue Tree. According to an article from ABC News, the shop specializes in "often unexpected" gifts.