Mission Beach, Belmont Park
San Diego’s Beachfront Amusement Park &
Entertainment Center
Located steps from surf and sand in Mission Beach, Belmont Park offers everything from rides and games to shopping and oceanfront dining-something for the entire family. In addition to traditional amusement park rides, Belmont Park features the latest in family entertainment including simulated waves, a state of the art gaming center, a traditional arcade, plenty of shopping opportunities and eateries serving everything from food court style corn dogs, pizza, ice cream and churros to sit down dining featuring Mexican and Seafood. Parking and admission to the Park are free.
1 mile west of Sea World in San Diego at 3146 Mission Blvd

North Mission Beach from Pacific Beach Drive south to the Roller Coaster is predominantly residential, with funky apartments along the beach and, out on the main drag, funkier clothing stores, smoothie bars and head shops. Many locals here forego material pleasures for the opportunity to live at the beach and revel in the carefree joys of youth. So relax, join the party and understand that in M.B. a torn thrift shop sofa serving as patio furniture is no eyesore, but a proud declaration of independence.
Most of the action centers around Belmont Park at the intersection of Mission Blvd. and West Mission Bay Drive where you can ride the historic Giant Dipper roller coaster, or rent a set of rollerblades to ride up and down the boardwalk. This is where all walks of life all go out for a walk, a ride, a roll, a stroll, a surf, a beer or a bite to eat - or simply to watch other people out doing their thing. Rock on.
South Mission Beach offers the same scene and scenery found in North Mission, but the pace slows as you continue south, until you reach the end of the boardwalk, the end of the beach, and the end of the road at South Mission Beach Park. Here fishermen cast their lines off the jetty and watch the boats pass in and out through the Harbor Channel. You'd never know it to look, but a half-mile off the coast are a series of shipwrecks, placed here to create an artificial reef and a diver's Disneyland.